Pulp and Paper Institute (Inštitut za celulozo in papir)

Pulp and Paper Institute (Inštitut za celulozo in papir)

Ljubljana, Bogisiceva ul. 8, Slovenia


Pulp and Paper Institute in its more than 70 years history has developed into a modern research and development center, which supports its partners by providing skills and services for the development of products made from natural fibers and paper. Direct integration of specialist knowledge and industrial competences ensures that the Institute offers comprehensive and high-quality services. With its laboratories for mechanical, chemical and biological testing, and pilot paper and coating machine for industrial testing, it is still the only infrastructure center in the wider region. It is registered research institution with two research groups on papermaking and packaging. Institute is focused on the three key areas: research and development, testing and consulting, education and training. IMPORTANT INFO: the company accepts both international and national students

Internship possibilities

  • Pulp and Paper Institute (Inštitut za celulozo in papir)
  • Ljubljana
  • Bogisiceva ul. 8
  • Slovenia
VAT Number
  • SI 28572955
Status of organization
  • Private
Type of organisation
  • Research organisation
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Materials science
  • Recycling
  • https://icp-lj.si/
  • Janja Juhant Grkman
E-mail address
  • janja.juhant-grkman@icp-lj.si
Which months can the internships take place?
  • March 2024
  • April 2024
  • June 2024
  • September 2024
  • October 2024
  • November 2024
What is the preferred duration of the internship?
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months
We accept
  • International students
  • National students
Internship location
  • Slovenia
  • Ljubljana
  • Bogisiceva ul. 8
Own equipment
  • Yes
Own equipment required
  • car, computer, working clothes,
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • None of the above
Is field work included?
  • Yes
Is laboratory work included?
  • Yes
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • ecology/biology
  • chemistry
  • waste management
  • environmental engineering
Education (other)
  • chemical engineering, papermaking technology, graphic and printing technology, packaging technology
Required skills and competences
  • computer skills - user of MS Office programs, work experience in chemical laboratory or graphics, printing laboratory or packaging design and testing, fluent in English language
Interns assignments/tasks
  • Assignments in chemical laboratory - performance of chemical and biochemical analyses. or Assignments in paper testing laboratory - performance of mechanical and/or graphical testing of paper and board. or Assignments on pilot testing machines - material preparation and asistance at pilot test runs on pilot paper or pilot coating machine.
  • Dr. Gregor Lavrič
About supervisors
  • Dr. Gregor Lavrič is developing his professional career in the field of sustainable (packaging) materials and solutions. He earned his PhD at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. Currently, he is the head of the Graphics and Packaging Department at the Pulp and Paper Institute in Ljubljana. As a researcher, he is also affiliated with the National Institute of Chemistry.
Interview with the candidates
  • Yes