Colas Mineral d.o.o.

Colas Mineral d.o.o.

Varaždin, Međimurska 26, 42000 Varaždin, Croatia

Colas Mineral is a company specialized in sand, gravel and aggregates production. It is the part of Colas Hrvatska Group. Sand and gravel is being extracted from the gravel pit Hrastovljan, which is located in the north of Croatia, in wide Varaždin area. Stone aggregates are being produced in quarry Puča, which is located in the south of Croatia, in wide Zadar area. What distinguished Colas Mineral from others? • Modern facility for aggregates production in gravel pit Hrastovljan • Constant high quality of produced material • Customer oriented business • Special products and innovation

Internship possibilities

  • Colas Mineral d.o.o.
  • Varaždin
  • Međimurska 26, 42000 Varaždin
  • Croatia
VAT Number
  • 43982869193
Status of organization
  • Private
Type of organisation
  • Other enterprise
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Mining
  • Pero Ruso
E-mail address
Which months can the internships take place?
  • May 2024
  • June 2024
  • July 2024
  • August 2024
  • September 2024
  • October 2024
  • November 2024
  • December 2024
What is the preferred duration of the internship?
  • 3 months
Open positions for internships in this year
  • 1
We accept
  • National students
Internship location
  • Croatia
  • Martijanec municipality (near Varaždin)
  • Hrastovljan gravel pit (Hrastovljan 145A, Hrastovljan, Varaždin county) + optional visits to company’s office in Varaždin, as well as Puča quarry in Zadar county.
Own equipment
  • Yes
Own equipment required
  • Required: computer, cell phone. Preferable: working (protective) shoes. Other protective equipment will be provided by the company.
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • None of the above
Is field work included?
  • Yes
Is laboratory work included?
  • Yes
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • mining
  • geology
Required skills and competences
  • Required: MS Office, Croatian language (writing and speaking), English language (writing and speaking), family doctor’s certificate regarding student’s health state for the internship. Preferable: AutoCAD (Autodesk).
Interns assignments/tasks
  • Interns will have the opportunity to carry out various assignments. After the induction period and learning about Company’s rules, as well as the important rules about occupational health & safety, students will be offered to choose their main task, according to their preferences. The internship will include: - exploration phase (theory) - mining designs and annual exploitation plans - introduction to relevant mining legislation - exploitation permitting process - laboratory testing and quality control - field work - market research and product development - business case development - introduction to ISO standards
  • Pero Ruso,
About supervisors
  • Company’s nominated supervisor for the Interns is Pero Ruso,, who is working as the Project manager in Colas Mineral d.o.o. from July 2016. As a part of the head office of the company, Pero oversees project management, development and implementation of mining designs, permitting process etc. Pero successfully completed internships in 2020, 2021 and 2022 as a mentor.
Permanent employment possibilities
  • Yes
Interview with the candidates
  • Yes
Has your organisation already participated?
  • Yes
Year/programme of participation
  • 2020,2021,2022 ADRIA Internship, RIS Internship