Zlatna Panega Cement AD

Zlatna Panega Cement AD

Zlatna Panega village, 1 Shipka street, Zlatna Panega village, Bulgaria, Bulgaria


About TITAN Group TITAN Group is an international cement and building materials producer aspiring to serve the needs of society, while contributing to sustainable growth with responsibility and integrity. The Group has cement production facilities in 10 countries and presence in more than 15 countries. With an annual capacity of 27 million metric tons of cement and cementitious materials, it employs about 5,400 people worldwide. The Group’s business activities include the production, transportation and distribution of cement, concrete, aggregates, fly ash, mortars and other building materials. We create value through the transformation of raw materials into building products, their distribution to customers and the provision of related services, serving the societal need for safe, durable, resilient and affordable housing and infrastructure. By actively participating in global collaborations and international organizations we aim to address global sustainability challenges, under the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. We are a participant of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and a core member of CSR Europe and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA). The Group’s parent company is TITAN Cement International (TCI), a Belgian company listed on Euronext Brussels, Euronext Paris and Athens Exchange. TITAN Cement International became TITAN Group’s parent company following the successful completion of a Voluntary Share Exchange Offer submitted to the shareholders of TITAN Cement Company S.A., the Group’s former parent company, which is based in Greece. The statutory seat of TCI is in Brussels, while its seat of management is in Cyprus. The Titan Group has been in Bulgaria for more than 10 years and has invested more than EUR 130 million in modernizations. Zlatna Panega Cement is one of the leading manufacturers of high quality cement in Bulgaria. The company operates ready mix units in three major cities planning to enter other locations and is also looking for new gravel and sand quarries. Success is vested in the best existing production technologies used and in know-how. The activities of Zlatna Panega Cement improve the living standard in the region at the same time supporting social and cultural initiatives and preserving the environment.

Internship possibilities

  • Zlatna Panega Cement AD
  • Zlatna Panega village
  • 1 Shipka street, Zlatna Panega village, Bulgaria
  • Bulgaria
VAT Number
  • 820162213
Status of organization
  • Private
Type of organisation
  • Other
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Mining
  • Geo-sciences and geotechnology
  • Materials science
  • Other
  • https://www.titan.bg/
  • Maria Pencheva
E-mail address
  • Maria.Pencheva@titan.bg
Which months can the internships take place?
  • April 2024
  • May 2024
  • June 2024
  • July 2024
  • August 2024
  • September 2024
  • October 2024
  • November 2024
  • December 2024
What is the preferred duration of the internship?
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months
Open positions for internships in this year
  • 1
We accept
  • National students
Internship location
  • Bulgaria
  • 112474
  • Zlatna Panega village, 1 Shipka str.
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • Transport
  • Meals
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • mining
  • waste management
  • civil engineering
  • mechanical engineering
Required skills and competences
  • • Higher technical education, specializing in "Mining Engineering"; • Basic knowledge and skills in organizing, monitoring, and controlling activities related to the safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly development of deposits; • Very good computer literacy - MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook), AutoCAD; • Good command of the English language.
Interns assignments/tasks
  • Mining engineer's responsibilities: • Ensuring the safe execution of activities related to the operation of deposits, following Bulgarian legislation; • Maintaining safety during crushing and storage of finished products; • Assisting in the development of daily, monthly, and yearly quarry development plans; • Assisting in the preparation and monitoring of daily and monthly schedules for mining and crushing activities; • Assisting in the organization of geological exploration activities; • Supporting the documentation of the chemical composition of quarry materials based on blasting fields; • Participating in the analysis and control of the quality of materials obtained; • Assisting in the coordination of processes related to blasting, loading, transportation, and crushing.
Permanent employment possibilities
  • Yes
Interview with the candidates
  • Yes