CNR ISSMC Institute of Science, Sustainability and Technology for Ceramics

CNR ISSMC Institute of Science, Sustainability and Technology for Ceramics

FAENZA, via Granarolo 64, Italy

CNR ISSMC is the Italian Hub of Excellence on Ceramic Materials, where the idea, design and development of new ceramic and hybrid materials takes place for the benefit of industry and the whole society, and where advanced training is carried out in the field of materials science addressed to fields of major current interest: Aero-space, Wellness and Health, Energy, Nano-remediation & safety, Environment, Construction and Cultural Heritage.

Internship possibilities

  • CNR ISSMC Institute of Science, Sustainability and Technology for Ceramics
  • via Granarolo 64
  • Italy
VAT Number
  • 02118311006
Status of organization
  • Public
Type of organisation
  • Research organisation
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Materials science
E-mail address
Which months can the internships take place?
  • February 2024
  • March 2024
  • April 2024
  • May 2024
  • September 2024
  • October 2024
  • November 2024
  • December 2024
What is the preferred duration of the internship?
  • 3 months
Open positions for internships in this year
  • 5
We accept
  • International students
  • National students
Internship location
  • Italy
  • via Granarolo 64
Own equipment
  • Yes
Own equipment required
  • laptop
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • None of the above
Is laboratory work included?
  • Yes
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • chemistry
  • environmental engineering
Education (other)
  • Biotechnology; Enviromental Enigineering; Materials Science and Engineering; Materials Science; Experimental Physics; Electronic Engineering
Required skills and competences
  • Five open positions are available. Below, the skills required for each position are reported. ---------------------------- Skills for position No 1 - 2: Competences on the development of biomaterials, knowledge of polymers and biopolymers, and basic techniques for chemical characterizations --------------------------------------- Skills for position No 3: Critical reading of scientific literature; knowledge of programming and numeric computing platforms; attitude to experimental work ------ Skills for position No 4: chemistry, mathematics, attitude to experimental work, ability with IT tools------------------ Skills for position No 5: aptitude to experimental work, general knowledge on inorganic chemistry, synthesis processes and basic techniques for materials characterization
Interns assignments/tasks
  • The following open positions are available: --------------> 1-Biomimetic approaches for the development of porous biomatrices for bone tissue regeneration and the design of 3D in vitro predictive models aimed at the study of personalized therapies in the field of tumor and infectious diseases.. ---------------------------------------------> 2-Design and development of biomimetic and medicated multi-layer membranes for wounds management, designed to be able of simultaneously fighting infections and guiding tissue healing and regeneration. -------------------------> 3-Development of new piezoelectric membranes by designing their architectures and fabrication processes, studying their piezoelectric properties.------------------> 4-Thermo-chemical processes of biomass conversion into energy/chemicals assisted by ceramic devices.------------------------------------------------> 5-Development and characterization of self-hardening porous magnetic scaffolds for bone regeneration
  • Supervisor for position no 1: Monica Sandri --------------- Supervisor for position no 2: Monica Sandri --------------- Supervisor for position no 3: Pietro Galizia --------------- Supervisor for position no 4: Francesco Miccio ----------- Supervisor for position no 5: Simone Sprio -----------
About supervisors
  • Monica Sandri graduated in Chemistry, PhD degree in Material Science and actually Director of Research at CNR-ISSMC. With long expertise on the study of biomimetic nanostructured hybrid and polymer hydrogels and bioinks designed for the development of 3D scaffolds for bone and cartilage tissues regeneration, of medicated membranes for chronic wound management and of 3D in vitro predictive models for the investigation of personalized therapies. ---------------------------------------------------------- Pietro Galizia is researcher at ISSMC since 2013. He is focused on the mechanical and microstructural characterisation of ceramic composites for the extreme applications. He holds both Doctoral and Master’s degrees magna cum laude in Materials Science with a PhD thesis about magnetoelectric composites. Winner of Quality Research Awards 2015 and 2016 by SCUDO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Francesco Miccio is a Chemical engineer, Research Director at CNR, Contract Professor in Chemical Engineering at University of Bologna, project coordinator in the past of EC funded projects, with interest in thermochemical processes for energy and chemicals, also using functionalized ceramics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.Sc in Physics and Ph.D. in Chemistry, Simone Sprio is Director of Research at ISSMC-CNR. With more than 25 years of experience at ISSMC-CNR, his main expertise is in the design and development of biomimetic, bioactive calcium phosphates and apatite-based biomaterials for bone tissue regeneration and for nanomedicine, such as ion-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, scaffolds and self-hardening pastes/cements featuring enhanced cell-instructing properties and intrinsic antibacterial properties. Specific focus on ceramic science and technology, sintering processes, biomorphic transformations, solid state chemical reactions.
Interview with the candidates
  • Yes