19014 Polydendri Attica, 1st km of provincial road Markopoulos-Oropos, Greece

NORDIA S.A. is based in Greece with commercial activity in Greece, Europe, the Middle East and many other countries in the world. The main business activities of the Company are the following: (i) The extraction, processing, transformation and trading of industrial minerals and quarry products including the exploitation of marble quarries. (ii) The production and marketing of building materials. Our factories and quarries are the following: Marmoline factory & headquarters Malakasa Attica Aggregates Quarry of Thebes Mesovouni Thebes 32200 Thebes Mineral Expansion Factory Mnima Kati – Ritsona MARBLE QUARRIES • Volakas in Volakas, Drama • Kyknos in Granite, Drama • Kavala • Thassos • Polaris in Prilep MARBLE PROCESSING FACTORY • Athens - Lykovrisi. Modern factory and covered storage area. • Drama - Northern Greece. Factory and covered storage area. DISTRIBUTION CENTER Thessaloniki. Northern Greece. Offices and outdoor warehouse. The number of employees of Nordia SA today is 130. HISTORICAL TIMELINE 1998. First release of Marmoline Products (part of Dionyssomarble SA) 2012. Foundation of Nordia S.A. 2014. Exclusive licencee of CHRYSO – Saint Gobain in Greece. A new dynamic collaboration 2017. Integration of Lazaridis Marble 2018. A new modern marble processing factory, in Likovrisi, Athens. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS In 1998 we laid the foundations by creating the mortar factory of Marmoline in Dionysos. Utilizing the unparalleled raw material of Dionysos marble powder, raw material in the majority of our products to this day, we created the range of ready-made mortars with an emphasis on ready-made plasters and adhesives. Our contribution to the development and construction activity in Greece was significant. We participated in the construction of large buildings in Greece in buildings such as: • Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center • New Acropolis Museum • Tae Kwo Do Stadium • Olympic Cycle Track • Opera House • Grand Resort Lagonissi • Athens Hilton VALUES • We are committed to produce and provide high quality, user friendly products/ materials. • We apply innovative and safe production processes and modern management methods. • We have modern production units, a certified ISO 9001 quality management system and a certified ISO 27001 information security management system. Our products meet European Union standards. • We invest in executives with scientific expertise, continuous training, aiming of always being at the cutting edge of knowledge and technology. Vision To perform a significant role in, Southeast Europe such as Greece, Balkan, Middle East, North Africa, by creating and offering a range of trustworthy products, covering the whole spectrum of building materials: mortars, chemicals, paints, marble, granite, quartz. Mission To provide the highest level of service and state of the art products, to its customers, through its unique expertise in the construction, chemicals, mortars and marble industry, while operating with the utmost

Internship possibilities

  • 19014 Polydendri Attica
  • 1st km of provincial road Markopoulos-Oropos
  • Greece
VAT Number
  • 999211319
Status of organization
  • Private
Type of organisation
  • Other enterprise
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Mining
  • Other
  • Eleftheria TSIAVOU
E-mail address
Which months can the internships take place?
  • May 2024
  • June 2024
  • July 2024
  • August 2024
What is the preferred duration of the internship?
  • 3 months
Open positions for internships in this year
  • 1
We accept
  • National students
Internship location
  • Greece
Own equipment
  • Yes
Own equipment required
  • Car, lap top , PPE
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • None of the above
Is field work included?
  • Yes
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • mining
Required skills and competences
  • Digital and languages skills , communication and organization skills
Interns assignments/tasks
  • Mining systems analysis in an aggregates quarry (Thiva quarry) • Shovel/truck cycle time analysis • Data collection and statistical modeling • Haul roads design, management, and maintenance • Discrete-event mining systems simulation • System streamlining
  • Eleftheria Tsiavou- Mining Engineer
About supervisors
  • Driving operational results of aggregates and minaral expansion plan in Nordia SA . The mission covered sales, exploitation, land administration, assets management, HS&E, contract negotiation, managing and analyzing performance, optimizing the cost of product and people development, new products development for mineral expansion plan
Permanent employment possibilities
  • Yes
Interview with the candidates
  • Yes
Students with disabilities
  • Yes