Global Link d.o.o.

Global Link d.o.o.

Banja Luka, Mladje Cusica 3, 78000, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Global Link doo is a company open for new technologies in different fields of science. We are providing solutions and consulting services for our clients and researching different materials based in Bosnia. Our future plans are to perform the trial study of different mixtures with Bosnian minerals from different regions, for their applications in geopolymers in 3D-printing of the smaller objects in civil engineering. We are hopeful our company's new products will contribute to the overall sustainability of the domestic and regional construction industry, but also to the decrease in carbon footprint. The main goal is to support young researches to join our company with innovative ideas. The company is based in Banja Luka, with spreading plans to the region. IMPORTANT INFO: the company is willing to accept both international and national students.

Internship possibilities