Aurubis Bulgaria AD

Aurubis Bulgaria AD

2070, Pirdop, Industrial zone, Aurubis Bulgaria, Bulgaria

IMPORTANT INFO: all positions for student`s internships are filled for year 2023. Aurubis Bulgaria is part of Aurubis AG, one of Europe’s leading copper producer and one of the world’s largest copper recycler based in Hamburg, Germany. The company is the largest industrial taxpayer in the country and has a structural importance for the economy of Bulgaria. Aurubis Bulgaria main activities are processing of copper concentrates, production of cathode copper registered on the London Metal Exchange as Pirdop brand, of copper anodes and co-products such as sulfuric acid and iron silicate. Aurubis Bulgaria plant is located in the Srednogorie region. From its establishment in 1958 to nowadays the copper plant near Pirdop and Zlatitsa is inseparable part of region’s history and the development of Bulgaria. There is hardly a family from the Srednogorie that has not been in any way part of this journey throughout more than six decades. Aurubis Bulgaria is also a R&D hub that develop solutions and improvements for copper extraction and environmental protection. The company carries out a sustainable policy of social responsibility at national and regional level focused on support of education, healthcare, culture, local communities, young talents, people with disabilities. IMPORTANT INFO: the company accepts both international and national students

Internship possibilities

  • Aurubis Bulgaria AD
  • 2070, Pirdop
  • Industrial zone, Aurubis Bulgaria
  • Bulgaria
VAT Number
  • 832046871
Status of organization
  • Public
Type of organisation
  • Other enterprise
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Metallurgy
  • Yanka Zaharieva, Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Manager
E-mail address
Internship location
  • Bulgaria
  • 2070, Pirdop
  • Industrial zone, Aurubis Bulgaria
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • None of the above
Is field work included?
  • Yes
Is laboratory work included?
  • Yes
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • mining
  • geology
  • chemistry
  • metallurgy