PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology

PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology

Banja Luka, Vidovdanska 43, Bosnia & Herzegovina

IMPORTANT INFO: the company accepts national students PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska is a public scientific-research, consulting, project and educational institution in the following fields: protection and improvement of quality of working and living environment, human health protection, occupational health, fire protection, risk management and system of quality management. It has been established in 1976. There are 42 employees. It participates in local and regional project, being divided into the following departments: Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Department for Health and Safety at Work Department for Fire and Explosion Department for Education Laboratory for water, soil and waste Laboratory for air pollution Laboratory for radiation Control (inspection) body Certification body

Internship possibilities

  • PSRI Institute for Protection and Ecology
  • Banja Luka
  • Vidovdanska 43
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
VAT Number
  • 401020860005
Status of organization
  • Public
Type of organisation
  • Research organisation
Organisation acts primarily in the following raw materials sectors
  • Geo-sciences and geotechnology
  • Other
  • Predrag Ilić
E-mail address
Which months can the internships take place?
  • February 2024
  • March 2024
  • April 2024
  • May 2024
  • June 2024
  • July 2024
  • August 2024
  • September 2024
  • October 2024
  • November 2024
  • December 2024
What is the preferred duration of the internship?
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 3 months
Open positions for internships in this year
  • 2
We accept
  • National students
Internship location
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Banja Luka
  • Vidovdanska street 43
During the internship, company is able to offer to the intern(s):
  • None of the above
Is field work included?
  • Yes
Is laboratory work included?
  • Yes
Preferred educational background of the intern(s)
  • mining
  • geology
  • ecology/biology
  • chemistry
  • waste management
  • civil engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • environmental engineering
Required skills and competences
  • Students are required to have computer skills (MS Office, PowerPoint, Excel...) and basic skills obtained in their field of studies. They should also have solid knowledge of English. They should be responsible to their work obligations and have good communication skills.
Interns assignments/tasks
  • Simple tasks related to company's projects, mostly laboratory and field research, and creation of reports and EIAs (Environmental Impact Assessment).
  • BSc experienced in the field required, same as the intern’s (from case to case)
Interview with the candidates
  • Yes